Where was Katie Liu Leung born?

Q: Where was Katie Liu Leung born?

A: She was born in Dundee, Scotland.

Q: Who are her parents?

A: Her parents are Peter and Kar Wai Li Leung, who are Chinese immigrants.

Q: Where did she live after her parents got divorced?

A: After her parents got divorced, she lived with her father in a £400,000 house in Motherwell, Scotland.

Q: What school did she attend?

A: She attended Hamilton College, a Scottish private school in Glasgow.

Q: What languages does she speak fluently?

A: She speaks fluent Cantonese and some Mandarin.
A=She has been named as Scotland's most stylish female and as the hottest Scotswoman by The Scotsman. She has also been featured in Teen Vogue and Evening Standard.

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