Who was James K. Polk?

Q: Who was James K. Polk?

A: James K. Polk was the 11th president of the United States.

Q: How long did James K. Polk serve as president?

A: James K. Polk only served one term as president.

Q: What roles did James K. Polk have before becoming president?

A: Before becoming president, James K. Polk was Speaker of the House of Representatives (1835-1839) and the governor of Tennessee (1839-1841).

Q: When was James K. Polk born?

A: James K. Polk was born on November 2, 1795.

Q: When did James K. Polk die?

A: James K. Polk died on June 15, 1849.

Q: What was James K. Polk's full name?

A: James K. Polk's full name is James Knox Polk.

Q: What was James K. Polk's state of origin?

A: James K. Polk was from Tennessee, where he served as governor before becoming president.

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