What is an icon?

Q: What is an icon?

A: An icon is a picture of something holy or divine, typically used in Eastern Christianity. It can also refer to pictograms for objects, facilities, control, political parties, governments and more.

Q: What is Iconography?

A: Iconography is the study of all types of images and their history and meaning. This is mostly used in art history. The word can also mean symbolism.

Q: What does the term "icon" refer to in other uses?

A: In other uses, an icon may refer to a British magazine about building architecture and design; a music album by John Wetton and Geoff Downes; a book by Frederick Forsyth; a film based on the book by Frederick Forsyth; a comic book and its title character published by Milestone Media; an annual journal of the International Society for the History of Technology (ICHOTEC); a television documentary on TV channel G4; something which is emblematic of a given culture; computer icons used in interfaces to represent programs, files or users; icon-based games that use many icons; or the Icon programming language developed for the Ontario school system.

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