Where is Bredevoort located?

Q: Where is Bredevoort located?

A: Bredevoort is located in the municipality of Aalten, in the region of Achterhoek in the Netherlands.

Q: What is the population of Bredevoort?

A: Approximately 1,600 people live in Bredevoort.

Q: What is Bredevoort known for?

A: Bredevoort is known for being a book town, with over twenty second-hand book shops in the town.

Q: What is the nickname given to Bredevoort?

A: Bredevoort is also known as "Bredevoort boekenstad" or "Bredevoort book town".

Q: What are the towns near Bredevoort?

A: The towns near Bredevoort are Aalten and Winterswijk.

Q: How many second-hand book shops are in Bredevoort?

A: There are now more than twenty second-hand book shops in Bredevoort.

Q: What type of businesses are in Bredevoort?

A: Bredevoort is primarily known for its second-hand book shops, but there may be other types of businesses in the town.

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