What is the definition of the word "Brat"?
Q: What is the definition of the word "Brat"?
A: The word "Brat" has several meanings, including a spoiled child, a person who grew up with a military parent, a group of young American movie actors, a popular rapper in the 1990s, a computer puzzle game, Russian crime movies, a line of dolls produced since 2001, a 1930 Laurel and Hardy movie, and an abbreviation of bratwurst.
Q: What is a "Spoiled Brat"?
A: A "Spoiled Brat" is a child who gets his or her way all the time and is not disciplined.
Q: What is a "Military Brat"?
A: A "Military Brat" is a person who grew up with a parent in the military.
Q: Who are the "Brat Pack"?
A: The "Brat Pack" is a group of young American movie actors.
Q: Who is "Da Brat"?
A: "Da Brat" is a rapper who was popular in the 1990s.
Q: What is "Brat", and when was it released?
A: "Brat" is a computer puzzle game that was released in 1991.
Q: What is "Bratz", and when did production start?
A: "Bratz" is the name of a line of dolls that started production in 2001.