What is a brasserie?

Q: What is a brasserie?

A: A brasserie is a type of French restaurant that serves single dishes and other meals in a relaxed setting.

Q: What does the word "brasserie" mean in French?

A: The word "brasserie" in French means "brewery".

Q: Why was the term "brasserie" originally used?

A: The term "brasserie" was originally used for the place where beer was brewed.

Q: How is a brasserie different from a bistro?

A: A brasserie has professional service, printed menus, and (traditionally) white linen, unlike a bistro which may have none of these.

Q: What is the typical menu like at a brasserie?

A: Typically, a brasserie is open every day of the week and serves the same menu all day.

Q: How was "brasserie" defined in Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language in 1901?

A: In 1901, 'brasserie' was defined in Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language as "in France, any beer-garden or saloon".

Q: How does The New Penguin English Dictionary define "brasserie"?

A: The New Penguin English Dictionary defines "brasserie" as "a small informal French-style restaurant".

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