Where is Brasschaat located?

Q: Where is Brasschaat located?

A: Brasschaat is a municipality in the Belgian province of Antwerp.

Q: How many people lived in Brasschaat in 2007?

A: 37133 people lived in Brasschaat in 2007.

Q: What is the location of Brasschaat?

A: Brasschaat is located at 51° 17 North, 04° 29 East.

Q: Why has there always been a big military force in Brasschaat?

A: There has always been a big military force in Brasschaat, and after World War II, there were more military-related things, including the defence buildings made to stop the Nazi's from reaching The port of Antwerp.

Q: What are some of the parks and woods in Brasschaat?

A: The Peerdsbos, the parc of Brasschaat, De uitlegger, and De instlag are some of the parks and woods in Brasschaat.

Q: Why is Brasschaat called green?

A: Brasschaat is called green because of the many parks and woods located there.

Q: What is the current state of the defence buildings in Brasschaat?

A: Now most of the defence buildings in Brasschaat are closed or are used to train the soldiers.

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