Where is Brantford located?

Q: Where is Brantford located?

A: Brantford is located in Ontario, Canada.

Q: How many people were in Brantford during the last census count?

A: During the last census count in 2011, there were 93,650 people in Brantford.

Q: What is Brantford sometimes called and why?

A: Brantford is sometimes called The Telephone City because the inventor of the telephone lived in Brantford.

Q: Who was born in Brantford?

A: Hockey player Wayne Gretzky was born in Brantford.

Q: What is Brantford near?

A: Brantford is near Hamilton.

Q: When was the last census count in Brantford?

A: The last census count in Brantford was in 2011.

Q: What is the government that did the last census count in Brantford?

A: The government that did the last census count in Brantford was the Government of Canada.

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