Where is Coritiba Foot Ball Club located?

Q: Where is Coritiba Foot Ball Club located?

A: Coritiba Foot Ball Club is located in Curitiba, Paraná state, Brazil.

Q: When was Coritiba Foot Ball Club founded?

A: Coritiba Foot Ball Club was founded on October 12, 1909.

Q: What sport does Coritiba Foot Ball Club participate in?

A: Coritiba Foot Ball Club participates in football.

Q: What league does Coritiba Foot Ball Club currently play in?

A: Coritiba Foot Ball Club currently plays in Campeonato Brasileiro Série A.

Q: How long has Coritiba Foot Ball Club been in existence?

A: Coritiba Foot Ball Club has been in existence for over 100 years since it was founded in 1909.

Q: Does Coritiba Foot Ball Club have a significant history in Brazilian football?

A: Yes, Coritiba Foot Ball Club is considered one of the most successful football clubs in Paraná state, Brazil and has a significant history in Brazilian football.

Q: Is Coritiba Foot Ball Club a well-known football club in Brazil?

A: Yes, Coritiba Foot Ball Club is a well-known football club in Brazil due to its success and longevity in the sport.

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