When was Anthony Charteau born?

Q: When was Anthony Charteau born?

A: Anthony Charteau was born on June 4, 1979, in Nantes.

Q: What was Anthony Charteau's profession?

A: Anthony Charteau was a professional cyclist.

Q: During which years did Anthony Charteau race as a professional cyclist?

A: Anthony Charteau raced as a professional cyclist from 2001 to 2013.

Q: What was Anthony Charteau's biggest win as a professional cyclist?

A: Anthony Charteau's biggest win as a professional cyclist was the polka dot jersey for the best climber in the Tour de France in 2010.

Q: Which race did Anthony Charteau win in Gabon for three years in a row?

A: Anthony Charteau won the Tropicale Amissa Bongo race in Gabon for three years in a row from 2010 to 2012.

Q: When did Anthony Charteau retire?

A: Anthony Charteau retired at the end of the 2013 season.

Q: How many times did Anthony Charteau win the polka dot jersey for the best climber in the Tour de France?

A: Anthony Charteau won the polka dot jersey for the best climber in the Tour de France only once, in 2010.

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