When did the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season begin and end?

Q: When did the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season begin and end?

A: The 1974 Atlantic hurricane season began on June 1, 1974 and ended on November 30, 1974.

Q: How many storms were recorded during the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season?

A: There were 11 storms recorded during the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season.

Q: How many of the 11 storms were given names in the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season?

A: 7 of the 11 storms were given names during the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season.

Q: Was the activity level of the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season considered to be above average, average, or below average?

A: The activity level of the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season was considered to be about average.

Q: Which hurricane was responsible for the majority of the deaths during the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season?

A: Hurricane Fifi was responsible for most of the deaths during the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season.

Q: How many Subtropical storms were recorded during the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season?

A: The 1974 Atlantic hurricane season had the most Subtropical storms, with 4 recorded.

Q: Was the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season one of the deadliest on record?

A: Yes, the 1974 Atlantic hurricane season was one of the deadliest on record due to Hurricane Fifi.

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