What is 0.999...?

Q: What is 0.999...?

A: 0.999... is a way of writing the number 1 (one) in decimal form.

Q: How is 0.999... written?

A: 0.999... is written with a decimal point followed by a repeating pattern of nines.

Q: Does the number of nines that come before the ellipsis matter in 0.999...?

A: No, the number of nines before the ellipsis does not matter in 0.999... - it is still equal to 1.

Q: What is another way to write 0.999...?

A: Another way to write 0.999... is as "0 point 9 repeating".

Q: Is 0.999... equal to 1?

A: Yes, 0.999... is equal to 1.

Q: Why is 0.999... equal to 1?

A: 0.999... is equal to 1 because it represents the same quantity as 1 - the repeating pattern of nines never ends, so the value is infinitely close to 1.

Q: Is 0.9 the same as 0.999...?

A: Yes, 0.9 is another way to write 0.999... and represents the same quantity as 1.

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