Who is Yoshinori Ohsumi?
Q: Who is Yoshinori Ohsumi?
A: Yoshinori Ohsumi is a Japanese cell biologist.
Q: What did Yoshinori Ohsumi win the 2016 Physiology or Medicine prize for?
A: Yoshinori Ohsumi won the 2016 Physiology or Medicine prize for his discoveries of how cell autophagy works.
Q: What is autophagy?
A: Autophagy is the process that cells use to break down and recycle cellular components.
Q: What is the result of autophagy?
A: The result of autophagy is the orderly recycling of cellular components.
Q: What is Yoshinori Ohsumi's profession?
A: Yoshinori Ohsumi is a professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology's Frontier Research Center.
Q: When did Yoshinori Ohsumi receive the Kyoto Prize for Basic Science?
A: Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Kyoto Prize for Basic Science in 2012.
Q: What did Yoshinori Ohsumi discover about cell autophagy?
A: Yoshinori Ohsumi discovered how cell autophagy works.