Who was William Oughtred?
Q: Who was William Oughtred?
A: William Oughtred was an English mathematician and Anglican clergyman.
Q: What mathematical inventions is Oughtred credited with?
A: Oughtred is credited with inventing the slide rule in about 1622. He also introduced the "×" multiplication sign and the abbreviations "sin" and "cos" for the sine and cosine functions.
Q: Who invented logarithms?
A: John Napier invented logarithms.
Q: Who created the logarithmic scales?
A: Edmund Gunter created the logarithmic scales.
Q: What was Oughtred the first to do with the logarithmic scales?
A: Oughtred was the first to use two logarithmic scales, sliding one next to another to do direct multiplication and division.
Q: When was the slide rule invented?
A: The slide rule was invented by Oughtred in about 1622.
Q: What abbreviations did Oughtred introduce for sine and cosine functions?
A: Oughtred introduced the abbreviations "sin" and "cos" for the sine and cosine functions.