Who was Aulus Vitellius Germanicus?

Q: Who was Aulus Vitellius Germanicus?

A: Aulus Vitellius Germanicus was a Roman Emperor and general who ruled for eight months in AD 69.

Q: What was the year of civil war known as?

A: The year of civil war was known as the Year of the Four Emperors.

Q: How long did Vitellius rule as emperor?

A: Vitellius ruled as emperor for eight months from April 16 to December 22 of AD 69.

Q: What happened before Vitellius became emperor?

A: Previous emperors Galba and Marcus Salvius Otho had ruled before Vitellius became emperor.

Q: Why did Vitellius add the cognomen Germanicus to his name?

A: Vitellius added the cognomen Germanicus to his name instead of Caesar upon his accession because the latter name had fallen into disrepute in many quarters due to the actions of Roman Emperor Nero.

Q: What was Vitellius acclaimed as?

A: Vitellius was acclaimed as an emperor.

Q: What was Vitellius known as later?

A: Vitellius was known as simply Vitellius later on.

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