What is Vera Lynn's full name?
Q: What is Vera Lynn's full name?
A: Vera Margaret Lynn CH DBE (née Welch).
Q: When was Vera Lynn born?
A: She was born on 20 March 1917.
Q: What is the name of the song that she is best known for?
A: Her best known songs are We'll Meet Again and The White Cliffs of Dover.
Q: What charities did she work with?
A: She worked a lot with charities for former military servicemen, disabled children, and breast cancer.
Q: How old was she when her album We'll Meet Again reached number one in the UK Albums Chart?
A: She was 92 years old when her album We'll Meet Again reached number one in the UK Albums Chart.
Q: In what year did she record for Decca Records?
A: She recorded for Decca between 1936 and 1959.
Q: In which movie does her song We'll Meet Again feature at the end?
A:Her song We'll Meet Again features at the end of the 1964 movie Dr. Strangelove starring Peter Sellers and George C Scott.