Who was Valery Rozhdestvensky?

Q: Who was Valery Rozhdestvensky?

A: Valery Rozhdestvensky was a cosmonaut from the USSR.

Q: When was Valery Rozhdestvensky born?

A: Valery Rozhdestvensky was born on February 13, 1939.

Q: Where did Valery Rozhdestvensky study engineering?

A: Valery Rozhdestvensky studied engineering at the Higher Military Engineering School of the Soviet Navy in Pushkin.

Q: What did Valery Rozhdestvensky do from 1961 to 1965?

A: From 1961 to 1965, Valery Rozhdestvensky was the commander of a deep sea diving unit in the Baltic Sea War Fleet.

Q: When was Valery Rozhdestvensky chosen to be a cosmonaut?

A: Valery Rozhdestvensky was chosen to be a cosmonaut on October 23, 1965.

Q: When did Valery Rozhdestvensky retire from his work with the space program?

A: Valery Rozhdestvensky retired from his work with the space program on June 24, 1986.

Q: What company did Valery Rozhdestvensky work with after his retirement?

A: After his retirement, Valery Rozhdestvensky worked with Metropolis Industries.

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