Who is Valery Leontiev?

Q: Who is Valery Leontiev?

A: Valery Leontiev is a well-known Russian and formerly Soviet singer and actor.

Q: When was Valery Leontiev born?

A: Valery Leontiev was born on March 19, 1949 in Ust-Usa, Soviet Union.

Q: How long has Valery Leontiev been active in his career?

A: Valery Leontiev began his career in Soviet times and actively continues to this day.

Q: How many albums has Valery Leontiev recorded?

A: Valery Leontiev has recorded more than 30 albums.

Q: What is Valery Leontiev famous for?

A: Valery Leontiev is famous for his singing and acting career in Russia and formerly in the Soviet Union.

Q: Is Valery Leontiev still active in his career today?

A: Yes, Valery Leontiev is still active in his career today.

Q: What kind of music does Valery Leontiev sing?

A: The text does not specify what kind of music Valery Leontiev sings.

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