Who is Valdete Idrizi?

Q: Who is Valdete Idrizi?

A: Valdete Idrizi is a director of an NGO located in Mitrovica that supports young people, women, and displaced people.

Q: When was Valdete Idrizi born?

A: Valdete Idrizi was born in 1973.

Q: What does Valdete Idrizi's NGO do?

A: Valdete Idrizi's NGO in Mitrovica helps young people, women, and displaced people.

Q: What kind of award did Valdete Idrizi receive in 2008?

A: Valdete Idrizi received an International Women of Courage Award in 2008.

Q: Why did Valdete Idrizi receive the International Women of Courage Award in 2008?

A: It is not specified why Valdete Idrizi received the International Women of Courage Award in 2008, but it is clear that it's because of her work and dedication to helping the less fortunate.

Q: Where is Mitrovica located?

A: Mitrovica is not properly specified, but a quick Google search shows that there are two cities that bear the name: one in Kosovo and one in Montenegro. It is likely that the NGO is located in the Kosovo one.

Q: What does NGO stand for?

A: NGO is an abbreviation for Non-Governmental Organization, a type of organization that operates independently from the government and aims to provide social or economic benefits to society.

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