Who was Urho Kaleva Kekkonen?
Q: Who was Urho Kaleva Kekkonen?
A: Urho Kaleva Kekkonen was the President of Finland from 1956 to 1982 and Prime Minister of Finland before that.
Q: Where was he born?
A: He was born in Pielavesi.
Q: What did he do during the Finnish Civil War?
A: He took part in the Finnish Civil War. He was anti-Communist and later anti-Fascist.
Q: What did he attempt to do as Interior Minister in 1937?
A: As Interior Minister, he attempted to ban the fascist party known as the Patriotic People's Movement (IKL).
Q: When did he become Prime Minister of Finland?
A: He became Prime Minister of Finland in 1950 after World War II.
Q: What is the "Passikivi-Kekkonen line"?
A: The "Passikivi-Kekkonen line" is a foreign policy doctrine established by Kekkonen and Juho Kusti Paasikivi, aimed at maintaining Finland's independence, democracy, and capitalism while being close to the Soviet Union.
Q: What were some accomplishments of his presidency?
A: During his presidency, Urho Kekkonen led the underwriting of the Helsinki Accords between European countries, United States and Soviet Union in 1975. Additionally, he attempted to keep Finland a neutral country during Cold War which meant it wasn't affiliated with any military alliance such as NATO or Warsaw Pact.