What is Trương Tấn Sang's full name?

Q: What is Trương Tấn Sang's full name?

A: Trương Tấn Sang is his full name.

Q: According to Vietnamese custom, what should Trương Tấn Sang be called?

A: According to Vietnamese custom, Trương Tấn Sang should be called by his given name, Sang.

Q: When was Trương Tấn Sang the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam?

A: Trương Tấn Sang was the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from 25 July 2011 to 2 April 2016.

Q: When did Trương Tấn Sang become a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam?

A: Trương Tấn Sang became a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam on 20 December 1969.

Q: When did Trương Tấn Sang become a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam?

A: Trương Tấn Sang became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1991.

Q: When did Trương Tấn Sang become a member of the Politburo?

A: Trương Tấn Sang became a member of the Politburo in 1996.

Q: How many of the votes did Trương Tấn Sang receive when he was elected President of Vietnam by the National Assembly?

A: When Trương Tấn Sang was elected President of Vietnam by the National Assembly, he received 97% of the votes.

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