Who is Thristan Mendoza?
Q: Who is Thristan Mendoza?
A: Thristan "Tum-Tum" Mendoza is a Filipino Prodigious Savant and marimba prodigy.
Q: When was Thristan Mendoza born and where?
A: Thristan Mendoza was born in 1989 in Quezon City, Philippines.
Q: Where was Thristan Mendoza enrolled during his childhood?
A: Thristan Mendoza was enrolled at the Philippine Montessori Center during his childhood.
Q: When was Thristan Mendoza diagnosed as autistic?
A: Thristan Mendoza was diagnosed as autistic at the age of two and a half.
Q: When was Thristan Mendoza presented as a gifted child prodigy by the University of the Philippines?
A: In 1997, the University of the Philippines presented Thristan Mendoza as a gifted child prodigy.
Q: What is Thristan Mendoza majoring in as a college student?
A: Thristan Mendoza is majoring in percussion as a college student.
Q: How many siblings does Thristan Mendoza have?
A: Thristan Mendoza has three siblings: Rainier, Victoria Angela, and Victorina Francesca.