When was Thora Birch born?

Q: When was Thora Birch born?

A: Thora Birch was born on March 11, 1982.

Q: What is Thora Birch known for?

A: Thora Birch is known for being one of the most popular child actors of the 1990s in movies such as Patriot Games (1992), Hocus Pocus (1993), Clear and Present Danger (1994), Now and Then (1995), and Alaska (1996).

Q: What are some of the serious roles Thora Birch has had since the 1990s?

A: Since the 1990s, Thora Birch has had more serious roles in movies such as American Beauty (1999) and Ghost World (2001).

Q: In which movie did Thora Birch star alongside Kevin Spacey?

A: Thora Birch starred alongside Kevin Spacey in the movie American Beauty (1999).

Q: Which movie did Thora Birch appear in as a child actor?

A: Thora Birch appeared as a child actor in the movie Patriot Games (1992).

Q: What other movies did Thora Birch appear in as a child actor?

A: Thora Birch appeared in other movies as a child actor such as Hocus Pocus (1993), Clear and Present Danger (1994), Now and Then (1995), and Alaska (1996).

Q: What is Thora Birch's profession?

A: Thora Birch is an American actress.

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