What is the family name of Susumu Tonegawa?

Q: What is the family name of Susumu Tonegawa?

A: The family name of Susumu Tonegawa is Tonegawa.

Q: When was Susumu Tonegawa born?

A: Susumu Tonegawa was born on 6 September 1939.

Q: What did Susumu Tonegawa win the Nobel Prize for in 1987?

A: In 1987, Susumu Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering the genetic mechanism that produces antibody diversity.

Q: What field of study is Susumu Tonegawa best known for?

A: Susumu Tonegawa is best known for elucidating the genetic mechanism in the adaptive immune system.

Q: How many genes would it take to protect against antigens if each antibody was coded by one gene?

A: If each antibody was coded by one gene, it would take millions of genes to protect against antigens.
Q: What process does Tonagewa's work show as a way to create vast arrays of antibodies? A: Tonagewa's work shows RNA splicing as a way to create vast arrays of antibodies.

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