What is Susan Polgar's birth name?
Q: What is Susan Polgar's birth name?
A: Her birth name is Polgár Zsuzsanna, but she is often known as Zsuzsa Polgár.
Q: When was Susan the top-ranked woman player in the world?
A: At 15 years old, Susan was the top-ranked woman player in the world.
Q: How long did Susan hold the title of Women's World Chess Champion?
A: She held the title from 1996 to 1999.
Q: What was her FIDE rating in October 2005?
A: In October 2005, her FIDE rating was 2577.
Q: Where did Susan grow up?
A: She grew up in Budapest, Hungary.
Q: Where does she currently live? A: She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas and recently moved from Forest Hills, Queens in New York City.
Q: What organization does she run at Texas Tech University?
A: She runs the Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence at Texas Tech University.