Where was Sterling Knight born?

Q: Where was Sterling Knight born?

A: Sterling Knight was born in Houston, Texas.

Q: What is Sterling Knight known for?

A: Sterling Knight is known for being an American actor and singer.

Q: What character does Sterling Knight play in "Sonny With a Chance"?

A: Sterling Knight plays the character Chad Dylan Cooper in "Sonny With a Chance".

Q: Who does Sterling Knight play in "Starstruck"?

A: Sterling Knight plays the character Christopher Wilde in "Starstruck".

Q: What new character will Sterling Knight be playing?

A: Sterling Knight will be playing the character Ty Parker in the upcoming movie "Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale".

Q: What is the birthdate of Sterling Knight?

A: Sterling Knight was born on March 5, 1989.

Q: What is the latest movie Sterling Knight will be in?

A: Sterling Knight will be in the upcoming movie "Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale" playing the character Ty Parker.

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