What are the coordinates of the Borkou region?

Q: What are the coordinates of the Borkou region?

A: The coordinates of the Borkou region are 17°55′00″N 19°07′00″E.

Q: Where is the Borkou region located?

A: The Borkou region is located in Chad.

Q: What is the capital city of the Borkou region?

A: The capital city of the Borkou region is Faya-Largeau.

Q: When was the Borkou region created?

A: The Borkou region was created in 2008.

Q: What was the Borkou region created from?

A: The Borkou region was created from the Borkou department of the former Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti region.

Q: What is the terrain like in the Borkou region?

A: The Borkou region is in the Sahara Desert and has parts of the Tibesti Mountains in its north.

Q: What is the highest point in Chad and in which region is it located?

A: The highest point in Chad is Emi Koussi, and it is located in the Borkou region.

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