When was Smail Prevljak born?
Q: When was Smail Prevljak born?
A: Smail Prevljak was born on February 16, 1995.
Q: What is Smail Prevljak's profession?
A: Smail Prevljak is a professional footballer.
Q: What is Smail Prevljak's position on the field?
A: Smail Prevljak plays as a forward.
Q: Which team does Smail Prevljak play for?
A: Smail Prevljak currently plays for KAS Eupen in the Belgian First League.
Q: In which country does KAS Eupen play?
A: KAS Eupen plays in Belgium.
Q: What is the highest league in Belgian football?
A: The Belgian First League is the top football league in Belgium.
Q: What is Smail Prevljak's nationality?
A: Smail Prevljak is Bosnian.