Where was Silvia Poll born?

Q: Where was Silvia Poll born?

A: Silvia Poll was born in Managua.

Q: What is Silvia Poll's nationality?

A: Silvia Poll is a Costa Rican.

Q: What is Silvia Poll's ethnic background?

A: Silvia Poll is of German descent.

Q: In which Olympic games did Silvia Poll win a medal?

A: Silvia Poll won a silver medal in the 200 meter freestyle at the 1988 Summer Olympics.

Q: What is Silvia Poll's specialty in swimming?

A: Silvia Poll is a backstroker and freestyle swimmer.

Q: What was the significance of Silvia Poll's win at the Olympics?

A: Silvia Poll's win at the Olympics was significant because it was the first medal for a Costa Rican athlete.

Q: In what event did Silvia Poll win her medal at the Olympics?

A: Silvia Poll won her medal in the 200 meter freestyle at the 1988 Summer Olympics.

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