What is Shigeru Miyamoto's occupation?

Q: What is Shigeru Miyamoto's occupation?

A: Shigeru Miyamoto is a Japanese game designer and producer at Nintendo.

Q: When was he born?

A: Shigeru Miyamoto was born on November 16, 1952.

Q: What are some of the video game series he has created for Nintendo?

A: Shigeru Miyamoto has created the Donkey Kong, Mario, Pikmin and The Legend of Zelda video game series for Nintendo.

Q: How did he start working with Nintendo?

A: Miyamoto started working with Nintendo in 1977 as an artist when it was still a toy and playing-card company.

Q: What is his most famous game design?

A: His most famous game design is Donkey Kong which was released in 1980.

Q: What makes his games unique?

A: His games give players many ways to play and explore, which was unique in video games when they were first released.

Q: Does he continue to create popular games for Nintendo today?

A Yes, he continues to create many popular games for Nintendo today such as entries in the Super Mario and the Zelda series.

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