Where was Shawn Sawyer born?

Q: Where was Shawn Sawyer born?

A: Shawn Sawyer was born in Edmundston, New Brunswick.

Q: What is Shawn Sawyer known for?

A: Shawn Sawyer is known for being a Canadian figure skater.

Q: How many times did Shawn Sawyer win the bronze medal at the Canadian national championships?

A: Shawn Sawyer won the bronze medal two times at the Canadian national championships.

Q: In which year did Shawn Sawyer participate in the Winter Olympics?

A: Shawn Sawyer participated in the Winter Olympics in 2006.

Q: What was Shawn Sawyer's ranking at the 2006 Winter Olympics?

A: Shawn Sawyer came in 12th at the 2006 Winter Olympics.

Q: Has Shawn Sawyer won any other medals besides the two bronze medals at the Canadian national championships?

A: The information provided in the text doesn't mention any other medals won by Shawn Sawyer.

Q: Is Shawn Sawyer still actively participating in figure skating competitions?

A: The information provided in the text doesn't specify whether Shawn Sawyer is still actively participating in figure skating competitions.

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