When was Sergio Pérez born and where?

Q: When was Sergio Pérez born and where?

A: Sergio Pérez was born on January 26, 1990, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Q: What is the other name for Sergio Pérez?

A: Sergio Pérez is also known as "Checo" Pérez.

Q: Where does Sergio Pérez currently live?

A: Sergio Pérez currently lives in Berlin, Germany.

Q: Which team will Sergio Pérez race for in the 2016 Formula One season?

A: Sergio Pérez will race for Sahara Force India in the 2016 Formula One season.

Q: What is the profession of Sergio Pérez?

A: Sergio Pérez is a racing driver.

Q: Which country does Sergio Pérez belong to?

A: Sergio Pérez belongs to Mexico.

Q: When was Sergio Pérez born?

A: Sergio Pérez was born on January 26, 1990.

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