Who is Samuel Witwer?

Q: Who is Samuel Witwer?

A: Samuel Witwer is an American actor and musician.

Q: When was Samuel Witwer born?

A: Samuel Witwer was born on October 20, 1977.

Q: What type of roles has Samuel Witwer played on television shows?

A: Samuel Witwer has appeared in individual episodes of many television shows as well as minor recurring characters in shows including Battlestar Galactica.

Q: Has Samuel Witwer starred in any movies?

A: The text does not mention whether Samuel Witwer has starred in any movies.

Q: What is Samuel Witwer's full name?

A: Samuel Witwer's full name is Samuel Weiler "Sam" Witwer IV.

Q: Besides acting, what other talent does Samuel Witwer possess?

A: Besides acting, Samuel Witwer is also a musician.

Q: Is Samuel Witwer a well-known actor?

A: The text does not provide enough information to determine whether Samuel Witwer is a well-known actor.

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