What is the full name of Ryue Nishizawa?
Q: What is the full name of Ryue Nishizawa?
A: Ryue Nishizawa's full name is Nishizawa Ryūe.
Q: Where was Ryue Nishizawa born?
A: The text does not mention where Ryue Nishizawa was born.
Q: What profession is Ryue Nishizawa known for?
A: Ryue Nishizawa is known as an architect.
Q: What is Ryue Nishizawa's current role in academia?
A: Ryue Nishizawa is a university professor at Yokohama National University.
Q: When did Ryue Nishizawa win the Pritzker Architecture Prize?
A: Ryue Nishizawa won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2010.
Q: What is the Pritzker Architecture Prize?
A: The Pritzker Architecture Prize is an international award presented annually to honor a living architect or architects whose built work demonstrates a combination of those qualities of talent, vision, and commitment, which has produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and the built environment through the art of architecture.
Q: What significant recognition did Ryue Nishizawa receive in 2010?
A: Ryue Nishizawa won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2010, which is significant recognition in the field of architecture.