What year was Patricia Rooney Mara born?

Q: What year was Patricia Rooney Mara born?

A: Patricia Rooney Mara was born in 1985.

Q: What movie did she star in that earned her an Academy Award nomination?

A: She was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in the 2011 remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Q: What other movies has she acted in?

A: Patricia Rooney Mara has acted in movies including A Nightmare on Elm Street (the remake of the 1984 horror movie) and The Social Network, as well as 2013's Side Effects.

Q: Who is her sister?

A: Her sister is Kate Mara.

Q: Does Patricia Rooney Mara do charity work?

A: Yes, she oversees the charity Uweza Foundation, which supports programs for children and families in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

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