Who is Roman Čechmánek?

Q: Who is Roman Čechmánek?

A: Roman Čechmánek is a professional ice hockey goaltender from the Czech Republic.

Q: When was Roman Čechmánek born?

A: Roman Čechmánek was born on March 2, 1971.

Q: Where was Roman Čechmánek born?

A: Roman Čechmánek was born in Gottwaldov (now called Zlín), Czechoslovakia.

Q: Is Roman Čechmánek still playing ice hockey professionally?

A: There is no information provided in the text indicating whether or not Roman Čechmánek is still playing ice hockey professionally.

Q: What position does Roman Čechmánek play in ice hockey?

A: Roman Čechmánek is a goaltender in ice hockey.

Q: Is Roman Čechmánek a Czech citizen?

A: Yes, Roman Čechmánek is a citizen of the Czech Republic.

Q: What is the phonetic spelling of Roman Čechmánek's name?

A: The phonetic spelling of Roman Čechmánek's name is "roman 'ʧɛxma:nɛk".

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