When was Roger Guillemin born and in which city?

Q: When was Roger Guillemin born and in which city?

A: Roger Guillemin was born on January 11, 1924 in Dijon, Côte-d'Or, France.

Q: What is Roger Guillemin known for?

A: Roger Guillemin is known for his work on neurohormones.

Q: What award did Roger Guillemin receive in 1976?

A: Roger Guillemin received the National Medal of Science in 1976.

Q: In which field did Roger Guillemin receive the Nobel Prize in 1977?

A: Roger Guillemin received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1977.

Q: What contribution did Roger Guillemin make to the field of neurohormones?

A: Roger Guillemin made important contributions to the understanding of neurohormones.

Q: When did Roger Guillemin receive the Nobel Prize?

A: Roger Guillemin received the Nobel Prize in 1977.

Q: What is the significance of the National Medal of Science?

A: The National Medal of Science is a prestigious award given to scientists by the United States government for their contributions to scientific knowledge.

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