Who was Sir Robert Walpole?
Q: Who was Sir Robert Walpole?
A: Sir Robert Walpole was a British politician.
Q: Why is Sir Robert Walpole important in British political history?
A: Sir Robert Walpole is important in British political history because he is regarded as the first de facto Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and he dominated the Walpole-Townshend ministry as well as the subsequent Walpole ministry, holding the record as the longest-serving British prime minister in history.
Q: When was Sir Robert Walpole born and when did he die?
A: Sir Robert Walpole was born in Houghton, Norfolk on 26 August 1676 and he died on 18 March 1745.
Q: How is Sir Robert Walpole's time as Prime Minister sometimes referred to?
A: Sir Robert Walpole's time as Prime Minister is sometimes referred to as "the robinocracy" because "Robin" is a common version of "Robert".
Q: What are some of the explanations typically offered for Sir Robert Walpole's expert handling of the political system?
A: Some of the typical explanations for Sir Robert Walpole's expert handling of the political system include his unique blending of the surviving powers of the crown with the increasing influence of the Commons.
Q: When is the period of Sir Robert Walpole's dominance usually deemed to begin and end?
A: Although the exact dates of Sir Robert Walpole's dominance are not entirely clear, the period 1721-1742 is often used as a reference point.
Q: What is W.A. Speck's assessment of Sir Robert Walpole's uninterrupted 20-year run as Prime Minister?
A: W.A. Speck wrote that Sir Robert Walpole's uninterrupted run of 20 years as Prime Minister "is rightly regarded as one of the major feats of British political history."