When was Richard Roxburgh born?

Q: When was Richard Roxburgh born?

A: Richard Roxburgh was born on January 1, 1962.

Q: What is Richard Roxburgh's profession?

A: Richard Roxburgh is an Australian actor.

Q: In which types of movies has Richard Roxburgh appeared?

A: Richard Roxburgh has starred in many Australian movies.

Q: Has Richard Roxburgh acted in any Hollywood productions?

A: Yes, Richard Roxburgh has appeared in supporting roles in a number of Hollywood productions.

Q: What type of roles does Richard Roxburgh usually play?

A: Richard Roxburgh normally plays the role of villains.

Q: Is Richard Roxburgh known for playing heroes or villains?

A: Richard Roxburgh is known for playing villains.

Q: Can Richard Roxburgh be considered an internationally known actor?

A: Yes, Richard Roxburgh can be considered an internationally known actor because of his appearances in Hollywood productions.

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