Who is Rebecca Black?

Q: Who is Rebecca Black?

A: Rebecca Black is an American singer-songwriter who became famous for her 2011 single "Friday".

Q: What was the response to Rebecca Black's single "Friday" when it was first released?

A: Rebecca Black's single "Friday" received negative feedback when it was first released due to criticism by music critics and viewers who called it "the worst song ever".

Q: How many views did Rebecca Black's "Friday" have in the first month?

A: Rebecca Black's "Friday" gained around 1,000 views in the first month.

Q: Did Rebecca Black's "Friday" receive many views on YouTube and on other social media platforms?

A: Yes, Rebecca Black's "Friday" received many views on YouTube and other social media platforms.

Q: Was Rebecca Black's "Friday" removed from YouTube at any point?

A: Yes, Rebecca Black's "Friday" was temporarily removed from YouTube on June 16, 2011.

Q: How many views has Rebecca Black's "Friday" received on YouTube overall?

A: Rebecca Black's "Friday" has received around 167 million views on YouTube.

Q: When did Rebecca Black re-upload "Friday" to her own YouTube channel?

A: Rebecca Black re-uploaded "Friday" to her own YouTube channel in September 2011.

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