When was Sir Ranulph Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes born?
Q: When was Sir Ranulph Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes born?
A: Sir Ranulph Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes was born on 7 March 1944.
Q: Where did Fiennes grow up?
A: Fiennes grew up in South Africa and lived in England for the rest of his life.
Q: What books has he written?
A: Fiennes has written many books, including 'The Sett', 'Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know', and 'The Secret Hunters'.
Q: How many expeditions has he led?
A: Fiennes has led over 30 expeditions.
Q: What record does he hold?
A: Fiennes holds the record for his 52,000 mile expedition which ended successfully on August 29th 1982. He is also the only man alive ever to have travelled around the Earth's circumpolar.
Q: When did he climb Mount Everest?
A: Fiennes climbed Mount Everest successfully in 2009.