What is the purpose of the ranked list of Dominican provinces?

Q: What is the purpose of the ranked list of Dominican provinces?

A: The purpose of the ranked list of Dominican provinces is to provide a list of provinces in the Dominican Republic and rank them based on their population figures and areas.

Q: Where do the population figures and areas come from?

A: The population figures and areas come from the report on the 2010 census in the Dominican Republic.

Q: How are the provinces ranked?

A: The provinces are ranked based on their population figures and areas.

Q: What do the percentages (%) represent in the ranked list of Dominican provinces?

A: The percentages (%) represent how much of the country the province has in terms of population and area.

Q: Is the report on the 2010 census the most recent one available?

A: It is unclear from the text whether the report on the 2010 census is the most recent one available.

Q: Why is it important to have a ranked list of Dominican provinces?

A: It may be important to have a ranked list of Dominican provinces for various reasons such as to understand the distribution of population and resources across the country, and for planning and policy-making purposes.

Q: Are there any factors other than population and area that are used to rank the provinces?

A: The text does not mention any other factors used to rank the provinces.

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