Who is Ralph Vaughan Williams?

Q: Who is Ralph Vaughan Williams?

A: Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) was an important English composer.

Q: How did Vaughan Williams pronounce his first name?

A: Vaughan Williams always pronounced his first name “Rafe.”

Q: What was Ralph Vaughan Williams’ father’s profession?

A: Ralph Vaughan Williams’ father was a rector.

Q: Where did Ralph Vaughan Williams’ family move after his father’s death?

A: Ralph Vaughan Williams’ family moved to Dorking, near London, after his father’s death.

Q: What instrument did Ralph Vaughan Williams play in the school orchestra at Charterhouse School?

A: Ralph Vaughan Williams played the viola in the school orchestra at Charterhouse School.

Q: Who was Ralph Vaughan Williams’ teacher at the Royal College of Music?

A: Ralph Vaughan Williams’ teacher at the Royal College of Music was Hubert Parry.

Q: Where did Ralph Vaughan Williams study?

A: Ralph Vaughan Williams studied at the University of Cambridge and the Royal College of Music.

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