What is Radamel Falcao's full name?

Q: What is Radamel Falcao's full name?

A: Radamel Falcao Garcia Zarate.

Q: When was he born?

A: He was born on 10 February 1986.

Q: What club does he currently play for?

A: He currently plays for Turkish club Galatasaray.

Q: How did he get his nickname?

A: He was nicknamed El Tigre or The Tiger in Spanish.

Q: Who inspired his name?

A: His name was inspired by Brazilian soccer player Paulo Roberto Falcao.

Q: What is he known for?

A: He is widely known because of his ability to score goals with both feet and with his head.

Q: Does he have any other nicknames?

A: Yes, he is also known as El Tigre or The Tiger in Spanish.

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