Who was Pope Benedict VIII?

Q: Who was Pope Benedict VIII?

A: Pope Benedict VIII was an Italian cleric of the Roman Catholic Church and the 144th Pope from 1012 to 1024.

Q: When was Pope Benedict VIII born?

A: Pope Benedict VIII's birth date is not mentioned in the text.

Q: What was Pope Benedict VIII's original name?

A: Pope Benedict VIII was born with the name Teofillato or Theophylactus.

Q: When did Pope Benedict VIII die?

A: Pope Benedict VIII died on April 9, 1024.

Q: What was Pope Benedict VIII's papacy duration?

A: Pope Benedict VIII's papacy lasted from 1012 to 1024.

Q: How was Pope Benedict VIII referred to in Latin?

A: Pope Benedict VIII was referred to as Benedictus Octavus in Latin.

Q: How is Pope Benedict VIII remembered in history?

A: The given text does not provide information on how Pope Benedict VIII is remembered in history.

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