Who was Piet Mondrian?

Q: Who was Piet Mondrian?

A: Piet Mondrian was a Dutch modern artist.

Q: What was the De stijl group?

A: The De stijl group was a Dutch artistic movement that focused on geometric shapes and primary colors.

Q: What was Mondrian's early style of painting?

A: Mondrian's early paintings showed abstract landscapes in post-impressionist and cubist style.

Q: What is neoplasticism?

A: Neoplasticism is the style of painting that Mondrian is known for, which is characterized by the use of simple geometric shapes and primary colors.

Q: Where did Mondrian spend the last four years of his life?

A: Mondrian spent the last four years of his life in New York City.

Q: How did Mondrian's paintings change after he moved to New York?

A: After moving to New York, Mondrian's paintings started to express exuberance at city life and his style became more abstract.

Q: What inspired the yellow color in Mondrian's final painting, Broadway Boogie Woogie?

A: The yellow in Mondrian's final painting, Broadway Boogie Woogie, was apparently inspired by New York's Yellow cabs.

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