Where is Bone located?

Q: Where is Bone located?

A: Bone is located in Bonneville County, Idaho, United States.

Q: Does Bone have permanent year-round residents?

A: No, Bone has almost no permanent year-round residents.

Q: What is the Bone Store known for?

A: The Bone Store is known for the brands left on the ceiling by area ranchers.

Q: Is the Bone Store the only building in town?

A: Yes, the Bone Store is the only building in town.

Q: What kind of community is Bone?

A: Bone is an unincorporated community.

Q: Who left the brands on the ceiling of the Bone Store?

A: The area ranchers left the brands on the ceiling of the Bone Store.

Q: Is Bone a popular tourist destination?

A: It is unlikely, as Bone has almost no permanent year-round residents and only one building.

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