What is Pete Johnson's full name?

Q: What is Pete Johnson's full name?

A: Pete Johnson's full name is Kermit H. Johnson.

Q: When was Pete Johnson born?

A: Pete Johnson was born on March 25, 1904.

Q: When did Pete Johnson die?

A: Pete Johnson died on March 23, 1967.

Q: What was Pete Johnson's profession?

A: Pete Johnson was a professional blues and jazz pianist.

Q: Along with which other artists did Pete Johnson introduce boogie woogie to the masses?

A: Pete Johnson introduced boogie woogie to the masses along with Albert Ammons and Meade Lux Lewis.

Q: What is boogie woogie?

A: Boogie woogie is a style of blues piano playing characterized by a fast tempo and a repeated, driving rhythm.

Q: What impact did Pete Johnson have on the music world?

A: Pete Johnson was an influential pianist who helped popularize boogie woogie and had a significant impact on the blues and jazz genres.

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