Who is Peter Ware Higgs?

Q: Who is Peter Ware Higgs?

A: Peter Ware Higgs is an English theoretical physicist and emeritus professor at the University of Edinburgh.

Q: Where was Peter Ware Higgs born?

A: Peter Ware Higgs was born in Newcastle upon Tyne on 29 May 1929.

Q: What academic titles does he hold?

A: He holds the titles of CH, FRS and FRSE.

Q: What university does he work for?

A: He works for the University of Edinburgh as an emeritus professor.

Q: When was he born?

A: He was born on 29 May 1929.

Q: What type of physicist is he? A: He is a theoretical physicist.

Q: Where did he grow up? A: He grew up in Newcastle upon Tyne.

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