Where is Bolsover located?

Q: Where is Bolsover located?

A: Bolsover is located near Chesterfield in England.

Q: How far is Bolsover from London?

A: Bolsover is 145 miles (233 km) from London.

Q: What is the distance between Bolsover and Sheffield?

A: The distance between Bolsover and Sheffield is 18 miles (29 km).

Q: What is the population of Bolsover as of 2001?

A: The population of Bolsover as of 2001 was 11,291.

Q: How far is Bolsover from Manchester?

A: Bolsover is 54 miles (87 km) from Manchester.

Q: Is Bolsover a city or a town?

A: Bolsover is a town.

Q: In which country is Bolsover located?

A: Bolsover is located in England.

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